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William Shakespeare was a renowned English poet, playwright, and actor born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. He was born the the 23rd of April and died in 1616. During his Career Shakespeare the most influential playwright in history. Shakespeare's reputation was established in London by 1592. It was during this time that Shakespeare wrote his...

Accidental Death of an Anarchist is a play written by Dario Fo in 1970. On the 12th of December 1969, a bomb exploded in the headquarters of the National Agrarian Bank in Piazza Fontana, Milan, Italy. The Bomb killed 17 people and injured 88. In the same afternoon 3 more bombs exploded and 1 was discovered unexploded. The police immediately...

Commedia Dell'Arte (direct translation: "comedy of art" ) is an Early form of Theatre originating in Italy. It flourished in the 16th-18th centuries mainly in Europe, It was most popular (after Italy) in France where it was named Comédie-Italienne. In England parts of the idea were adopted and naturalised into the harlequinade in pantomime and in...

The Stuart Restoration was re-instatement of the Stuart monarchy in England, Ireland and Scotland replacing the Commonwealth of England which was established in January 1649 after the execution of Charles I, with his son Charles II. It lasted from around 1660 to 1688.

Mystery plays (which really thrived in the medieval time) were performances which re-enacted Bible stories and often held in churches. These were the first type of plays to formally develop in Europe. The main characteristics of mystery plays are the use of tableaus with an accompanying song. The themes range as mystery plays cover a range of Bible...

Greek Theatre


The Greeks were the first to properly introduce theatre into their society. They made many contributions to the history of theatre and had many trademarks. For example: the Greeks used a chorus to help tell the story and interact with the audience much like an ensemble. Playing a part in the chorus is extremely difficult as you have to...

Early Theatre


Whether you believe it or not, Theatre has been around since the start of the human race and was originally used for communication in order to survive.

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